“You will lose set number one, And when you do, it’s not much fun. –Dr. Seuss
First Lost Tooth
Our Little Miss lost her first tooth last week. It was a milestone for her…and me too. The dentist told us in December the bottom ones were loose and would be coming out soon. I was truly shocked. You would think I would know this was coming with my third child? I just want her to stay little forever. I told our dentist that I wanted to cry but would save it for when the first top tooth came out.
Real life pictures here for you from me. She had a wet head, Christmas nightgown and ready for bed – I grabbed my camera with the 100mm lens that I use for little bitty newborn pieces and parts to capture that tooth before the tooth fairy took it away. Unfortunately, for the fun moments after taking the tooth picture I only had that lens but I made do and love them just the same. Take pictures of your memorable family moments however you can, with whatever camera you have (and whatever bad light you have!). The memory and emotion of it is what makes it so special.
You may not know this (my kids do) that the Tooth Fairy is only guaranteed to come the same night you lose a tooth if you lose that tooth before 3PM. There are cut-offs and she has to plan. That is just the way it is. Luckily she came that night and left what my boys have always received, a Gold Dollar Coin. The next morning my sweet little girl cried and cried when she found it. I felt terrible (not sure what she was expecting). She told her teachers at school that all she got was a penny. She just lost her second tooth and believe me the Tooth Fairy was quick to leave a real dollar bill to avoid any more tears.
This was said during the laughs and tickles above:
Kate: You’re my favorite!
Dad: Thank you!
Kate: I was talking to Mommy!
Haha – I had to document that. My children are all about fun-Daddy (with good reason) so it was particularly funny (to me).
I posted these pictures not just to share my incredibly sweet (and sometimes sassy) little girl but also because it reminded me how I am just like the other Moms that have panicked when those teeth are about to come out. I have had many sessions with 5 year olds to catch them while they still have that cute little smile. You just don’t ever want to forget it. Honestly, a lot of times at 5 or 6 the smiles are a bit different even if the teeth haven’t fallen out yet. Mouths are bigger and the teeth start spacing out. I think year 4 is a great age to photograph a child. They have come out of toddlerhood but haven’t quite become a big kid yet. You can get an awesome portrait of them and they are still adorable. A great age all around! — Kate is 5 and a half in these pictures and her top teeth/smile look about the same. As you can see the bottom permanent teeth are on their way and pushing the little ones out of the way. The baby teeth definitely needed to come out weeks ago. (sniff)
“But then you’ll grow set number two!
32 teeth, and all brand-new.
16 downstairs, and 16 more
upstairs on the upper floor.
And when you get your second set,
–Dr. Seuss
Our Family Pediatric Dentist and Orthodontist