Can you believe I have lived in Atlanta for as many years as I have and had never been to Reynold’s Plantation? I was there for a week last month and what a treat it was! The National Association of Professional Child Photographers (NAPCP) had their annual retreat close to home this year which made it extra special for many of us. I was on staff working most of the time but still soaked up lots of great information and best of all saw a lot of photographer-friends I only get to see in person once a year. If you are a photographer specializing in children (newborn/families) or seniors, plan on attending one of these “Retreats” in the future.
There were Styled Senior Shoots with Amanda Holloway, Sarah Lane and Tash Haynes. An adorable Valentine’s Day theme that our models rocked! Dan Brouillette demonstrated lighting for everyone and showed his expertise. We Periscoped a lot during the week for NAPCP and and Tash had these girls on the spot! They were thrown into the fire of Periscope but had fun watching the reply of themselves on my phone. 🙂
NAPCP Prides themselves on lots of small details.
The view of the Lake was amazing.
I hung out over my balcony and tried to take shots like the one above at sunrise and sunset most days using my Fuji X100.
I missed my family while I was gone but I have to admit, re-entry to life outside of the Ritz Carlton was pretty tough. It was easy to get used to everything (especially food) being prepared for you. And you can’t beat the easily accessible spa!
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @lisaphillipson for more great pictures of the Ritz Retreat #napcpretreat
[…] NAPCP Retreat last month had a fun styled Senior Session for girls. I mostly opened packages of confetti and […]