An odd title but it is the name of the group Jen & I planned to form (being in a home full of boys) until I went and messed it up by having a girl.
![Family in front of house picture Georgia](
I took pictures of my friend Jennifer and her family in front of their home in Mableton before they moved out of town. I’m sad I won’t see them as often but I am happy that they will be closer to family and that the boys are excited about their new adventure. It is times like this that I am thankful to have FACEBOOK so I know I can keep up with them and watch these boys grow up.
I met Jennifer at the Cumberland MOPS group in Smyrna the first year it started. I have several good friends I met with that organization and one was even my son’s 4th grade teacher last year! I can say I knew Jennifer back in the day when those two littlest boys were just a twinkle in her eye. It seems like yesterday that they came into the world.
“Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.” –Henry David Thoreau
2008 | 2012
Photographer’s Notes: My house is the backdrop of a lot of family pictures. It may be the same for you. If not, get out there and take some pictures of the place you raised your children…and look how small they were (you will say one day). I actually love to take pictures of my home through the different seasons (flowers, leaves, snow). Also make a point to get some shots of your car(s). How fun is it to look at old model cars in your family’s photo’s? Your current car will be that old model car to your children one day.
Case in point: I posted this picture on Instagram of a wood paneled station wagon I saw at Trader Joe’s in Atlanta. I got more posts (excited ones) than I usually do because the ladies my age have a lot of the same memories about the station wagons our parents had and the memories of riding in the back. The man that owned the car told my boys “I bet you’ve never seen a car like this.” I told them how we used to ride around in the back often on a blanket waiting for the sharp turns so we would slide all over the place. Raise your hand if you had the extra cool parents that took extra sharp turns on purpose for you. In firstborn fashion, my oldest said “That sounds dangerous.” The point is it brings back a lot of memories to me because I remember getting our brand new circa 1980 wood paneled station wagon…it was N-I-C-E! I predict Honda Minivans will provoke the same feelings for him one day. Yikes.
I remember the point about pictures of your car being made by Zack Arias at one of the MOPS meetings I mentioned above. (Hey, we all have to start somewhere.) That was a looonnngggg time ago and now take a look at what a big time “successful commercial photographer he is. I love his videos the most. If you are professional photographer, you have probably seen his Transform video. If you have not, stop NOW and watch it HERE.
Loved your text, beautiful!