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Tag Archives: little boy

We did it.  We made it to Double-Digits today.  It is a major milestone for Evan to reach 10 years old but I feel like it is a milestone for me too.

I’m so thankful that he still went along with going to see Santa this year.  He did, however, inform me that he does not want to wear the same shirt as his brother anymore.  I matched their outfits as long as I possibly could.  I was thrilled when I was able to point out two teenage boys in line to see Santa and they were both wearing the same shirt.  I don’t want to know what that situation was all about – I’m just glad to make a point that he isn’t too big after all!

Below is his list to Santa and as you can tell he is pretty into video games.  I refused to buy him any more Legos for birthday or Christmas after having cleaned them out of my living room last week but maybe Santa will have mercy on him.  I know that Santa was incredibly patient to go through each child’s list so carefully.  Kate only had one thing on her list and Alex had a 3 page written copy of the Target catalog.

10 years ago 9/11 had just happened, the world was a different place and I was starting my journey through parenthood.  My husband was trying to convince me to use digital photography as I clung to my real camera.  Ha-ha.  I’m so glad I took that step and enjoyed taking a picture every day of my new little one.  I remember laughing a lot his first year – lots of joy.

He continues to ask hard questions as he always has since he could talk.  My most un-favorite one is “What person has counted the highest?”   This morning on the way to school he asked me if he was really my firstborn child.  “What?” I asked.  He said “I’m just checking to make sure you weren’t hiding a big secret from me and there was someone else born first.”  Nope… I could never keep that big of a secret!

Happy Birthday, Evan!

We were capturing sweet Julianna at 18 months and while she is still the baby of the family.  I can’t wait to see what baby #3 for this family is going to be like.  Just like my middle child, Julianna was born to be in the middle and a little on the crazy side.  I love her – one of my all time favorite little girls and who wouldn’t die for those curls?

I love the belly shots…one kid shows their belly and they all have to show it.  🙂

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We had beautiful light this morning.  You would think it was late afternoon and not middle of the morning from the looks of the warm yellow light in the background. This session was to mark this little girl at two years old.  I don’t think her brother was originally coming and I told Mom he just had to (why not catch him at 4?).  They were both just as precious and sweet as these images show them to be.  Full of life and fun – we discovered many things on this Fall morning.  The top image above is one of my favorites and I was so glad it was his Mom’s too.  It will be one of her framed pieces on her wall in a collection of espresso brown Organic Bloom frames (my favorite) and I can’t wait to see it!

And so we don’t overshadow our sweet 2 year old girl, here are some more of her.  I love her in blue but doesn’t the other dress just scream FALL to you?  It is great how different color clothing, lighting and your setting can change the look of a picture.

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“A boy’s story is the best that is ever told.”   –Charles Dickens

I loved the images from this session because they were so “boy” to me.  This young man always had a stick in his hand or was climbing on something.  I can appreciate this because of the two boys I have.  God made them that way…to want to pick up sticks and move around a lot.  In my all-boy sessions I try to catch a lot of moments without the new-found stick, but I don’t mind at all having a few shots of our favorite stick.  When he is 18 he may not pick out such great sticks or care so much about them!  I’m not sure – just guessing!  I just know if they do grow out of it us mothers will not mind so much in the years to come when we look back on it.

Now that I have mentioned the stick too much I have to show those images too (along with a feather):

We captured many wonderful portrait shots and I’m glad we also got so many fun images that show what being a six year old little boy is all about.  This is a great example of why albums are such a great idea in addition to your wall art.  Mom ordered several framed prints for the wall including a large family portrait and she also chose a collection with an album so she can have the whole story of this afternoon.

Here is a little preview of it below. They are getting frames in my most popular color sold of custom Organic Bloom Frames, Root Beer.  The album has gorgeous color on thick pages that are durable for even young children to enjoy over the years.

Disclaimer:  This little boy didn’t always have a stick in his hand.  He let his mom hold it for him and told me all about his first grade class at school. He told me who had not been so good this year and that he was VERY good.  I think I believe him.  He is a real sweetheart.

I  was fortunate enough to photograph Sweet Baby Lyon soon after he was born.  I love him.  His Mommy, Alice Park, is a friend that is also an Atlanta photographer so several us let her sit back one morning and photograph her new baby.  You can check out Alice’s blog and follow Project Lyon and see how big this little guy is getting.  I think this is a fabulous idea any new mother can do with her newborn.  The moments go fast so keep that camera on hand at all times!

It will be hard to duplicate the beauty and sense of humor of Alice’s post but it gives me inspiration to document more little moments with my own children, in particular my youngest.  I have volumes of thick albums detailing every moment and activity of my boys’ young lives.  I have not one entry written in Kate’s baby book.  I started my business around the time I had her so life, work and 3 kids got away from me fast.  This wasn’t meant to be a confessional but at least we can always start where we are.  It is never too late.

In case you were wondering…Little Lyon did not have a big roar.  He was so sweet and easy.  I don’t think he ever even cried.  🙂

This is such a sweet family and I’m so glad I got to capture them having a little fun with their kids.  Having a new baby and a 2 year old little boy can be very challenging at times (I speak from experience).  There is so much work and exhaustion.  There is also a lot of joy  and laughter and I think you can see that in this family.  They adore their kids and these images will only become more precious as the years go by.

I hope everyone is enjoying their families this summer.  I had LOTS of time with my family at Disney and some of it was even fun (ha).  More on that later.

I’ll be out of the office again through the weekend for a REAL vacation and look forward to my upcoming baby sessions next week!  I’ll be sure to answer all emails by Monday.