We did it. We made it to Double-Digits today. It is a major milestone for Evan to reach 10 years old but I feel like it is a milestone for me too.
I’m so thankful that he still went along with going to see Santa this year. He did, however, inform me that he does not want to wear the same shirt as his brother anymore. I matched their outfits as long as I possibly could. I was thrilled when I was able to point out two teenage boys in line to see Santa and they were both wearing the same shirt. I don’t want to know what that situation was all about – I’m just glad to make a point that he isn’t too big after all!
Below is his list to Santa and as you can tell he is pretty into video games. I refused to buy him any more Legos for birthday or Christmas after having cleaned them out of my living room last week but maybe Santa will have mercy on him. I know that Santa was incredibly patient to go through each child’s list so carefully. Kate only had one thing on her list and Alex had a 3 page written copy of the Target catalog.
10 years ago 9/11 had just happened, the world was a different place and I was starting my journey through parenthood. My husband was trying to convince me to use digital photography as I clung to my real camera. Ha-ha. I’m so glad I took that step and enjoyed taking a picture every day of my new little one. I remember laughing a lot his first year – lots of joy.
He continues to ask hard questions as he always has since he could talk. My most un-favorite one is “What person has counted the highest?” This morning on the way to school he asked me if he was really my firstborn child. “What?” I asked. He said “I’m just checking to make sure you weren’t hiding a big secret from me and there was someone else born first.” Nope… I could never keep that big of a secret!
Happy Birthday, Evan!